Web Design - Suicide Guide

Title : Suicide Guide
Client : None
Media : Web Design

Nowadays, many peoples do not have the idea to treasure their lives. They do not think that their lives is very valueble and treasurable. I have came out with an idea to build a website to educate the public and raise the awareness of peoples about committing suicide.


The idea behind this project is to build a scary
and horrible website. The website title is “Suicide Guide”, the title of the website seems like inviting and guiding people to suicide. But in fact, this is used to attract people who want to suicide, they will think that this website is a guide of suicide and read through the website before they commit. The contents inside the website wrote in a sarcastic and negative way, to convey the message that suicide is very hard and troublesome. In the companion of graphic, the overall website will give a very scary and horrible mood to the audience to make people think twice before they committing suicide. 

Web Interface :

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