Graphic Design - ACCO Event Posters Design

Title : Event Posters
Client : ACCO Creative & Chum
Media : Graphic Design

An event again organized by ACCO Creative and Chum in collaboration with MISB artist, NASOM , Melodic Music , Jaya One and PJLA. This is a charity event, all the money profited was benefited to NASOM. The event including charity promotion in Chum Cube, Piano Recital by Clarence Kang and Clarence's Kang Exhibition. Clarence is a genius, he do well in playing piano and drawing even though with his autism. And this event attracted a lot of media reporter, Sin Chew, Nanyang and many more, because this is the first autism piano show in Asia Pasific, and the spirit of supporting autism is wonder and epic.

It's always challenging to design about a charity festival, I had to think about the color, typography, art style to actually show the art direction of the event. 





Other Events:

One of the hardest part in graphic design is to approach the art direction of certain art style. For poster design, we need to design the poster which is related to the project in term of art style while still informative and graphical. I've learn a lot from the director of ACCO Creative and Chum, Adric, as he always said, art is so conceptual, designers are selling the idea of your art style, be yourself. And when I feel screw up, he would said, don't stop at the corner of thinking, restart and rethink all over again, jump out from the box. He is a good art director and experienced event organizer. I've started by job in ACCO Creative and Chum since June of 2011. 

Neo-Classical of Youth, is one of the events launched by ACCO Creative, it is a event that supporting youth in playing classical music. We did few events for this project. After I experienced few times of the event, Adric decide to pass the design job to me. The art direction of the design is music festival, cabaret, broadway, blink-blink style. After the directing from Adric, I managed to design the poster for the event. 

The Peninsular, is a stage drama show that planned by ACCO Creative also, but unfortunately this event was cancelled. I joined the production team of this event, and I actually learnt how a production team operate. This event was joined by a famous local director and artists. I've learnt a lot from Director Yong, he did good direction in art, he taught me about the art direction and art style referencing, I think I still can't achieve the art direction that he want.

 This is the Chinese New Year promotion organized by Chum. They selling contemporary and artistic products in the Chum Cube, JayaOne. For the logo of this promotion, I really did a lot of trial and development. An event or promotion logo should be attractive and iconic while the word is still visual communicative.